Invalid query: select CatItems2.*, CatItems.LocalityName, CatItems.Name, CatItems.Logo, GoldItems.ItemID, if(GoldItems.__id > 0, 1, 0) as GoldTariff, CatItems.dir, as Category1, as Category2, as Category3, as Category4, CatItems.allowRating, CatItems.AdministrativeAreaName, CatItems.Phones, CatItems.Address, CatItems.Shirota, CatItems.Dolgota, CatItems.RatingCount, CatItems.RatingAverage, CatItems.RatingSummPositive from ( select CatItems.__id, GoldItems.ItemID, if(GoldItems.__id > 0, 1, 0) as GoldTariff, if(CatItems.SilverTariffEnd > NOW(), CatItems.SilverTariffEnd, 0) as SilverEndDateTime, if(CatItems.VIPInfoTariffEnd > NOW(),'1',0) as VIPInfoTariffEnd from CatItems left join YandexCategories yc1 on yc1.__id = CatItems.Category1ID left join YandexCategories yc2 on yc2.__id = CatItems.Category2ID left join YandexCategories yc3 on yc3.__id = CatItems.Category3ID left join YandexCategories yc4 on yc4.__id = CatItems.Category4ID left join CatParameter2Items on CatParameter2Items.CatItemID = CatItems.__id left join GoldItems on GoldItems.ItemID = CatItems.__id and GoldItems.Year='2024' and GoldItems.Month='5' where CatItems.Active='1' AND ( CatItems.Country='Россия' ) AND ('Студия графического дизайна' OR'Студия графического дизайна' OR'Студия графического дизайна' OR'Студия графического дизайна' ) group by CatItems.__id order by GoldTariff desc, SilverEndDateTime desc, CatItems.CustomOrder, CatItems.RatingSummPositive desc, CatItems.RatingAverage desc, CatItems.RatingCount desc, CatItems.__id asc limit 3050, 50 ) CatItems2 left join CatItems on CatItems.__id=CatItems2.__id left join YandexCategories yc1 on yc1.__id = CatItems.Category1ID left join YandexCategories yc2 on yc2.__id = CatItems.Category2ID left join YandexCategories yc3 on yc3.__id = CatItems.Category3ID left join YandexCategories yc4 on yc4.__id = CatItems.Category4ID left join CatParameter2Items on CatParameter2Items.CatItemID = CatItems.__id left join GoldItems on GoldItems.ItemID = CatItems.__id and GoldItems.Year='2024' and GoldItems.Month='5' group by CatItems.__id order by GoldTariff desc, SilverEndDateTime desc, CatItems.CustomOrder, CatItems.RatingSummPositive desc, CatItems.RatingAverage desc, CatItems.RatingCount desc, CatItems.__id asc
Error writing file '/tmp/MYfd=553' (OS errno 28 - No space left on device)